Thursday, March 31, 2011

section 8 apts in Pittsburgh,PA

section 8 apartment in Pittsburgh
$659 / 3 bedroom apt section 8 apartment for rent , 2 baths all new kit ,heat and hot water laundry easy walk to stores, Apt building -no fee- section 8 pets ok near schools - Bellevue,Pittsburgh,PA
for rent section 8 apartment in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,
$476 / 1br - 1 bedroom apartment , dog ok , section 8 applicants welcomed , 3rd floor in small apt building .every thing renovated all new kitchen fridge stove counter tops , all new bathroom, bad credit ,VACANT painted plaseterd and cleaned ready for move in -no fees -Off of Route 65 - Bellevue,Pittsburgh,PA


  1. Hello!
    I am sooooo very interested in seeing one of the apartments that are vacant preferably the 3BDR. I am ready to move! I hope that I can set up an appointment with you, I viewed your profile but could email you correctly for some reason, so I also emailed you from craigslist. If you could pleas email me back at, or, i would greatly appreciate it! Thank you

    LaTanya Calloway

  2. Can you please email me with your telephone number because im interested in your houses my email address is


    Lakeshia Lee

  3. Hello my name is Lydia and I am a very interested in your apartment I am ready to move now the i am a very good tenant i just need more space so if you can contact me at it would be greatly appreciated it is very hard to find good apartments with this voucher so please contact me! TY

  4. Hello my name is Camille and I am currently looking to move from a 2bedroom to 3 bedroom. I need more space for me and my two children. Im interested in speaking with you so if you can pleas email me at! It is very hard to find suitable living with section 8 vouchers due to the fact that landlords believe all sectio 8 tenants are irresponsible.

  5. This is perfect for me seeing as though I am a recent college grad. I work full time and make money but because I do not have established credit no one will give me a chance. PLEASE email me
